1 of 2 I'd like to ... - Select -Request a Literature SearchRequest a Systematic ReviewRequest to Use the Display CasesRequest TrainingSubmit General Comments & QuestionsSuggest a Purchase My Comments / Questions Tell us what you think Purchase Items Purchase requests are considered as funds allow. Information required for each item: Title and Author. ISBN/ISSN, Year, and Edition are optional. Available Training We offer one-on-one or group training sessions on many topics FREE for all Penn State Hershey affiliated users. Let us know what you need and we will work with you to design a customized, on-demand training session. We also can work with instructors to provide sessions for students. Choose one or more topics* Publication Copyright - My rights and responsibilities Endnote - Manage & share my citations Journal Impact Factors - Find potential publication venues Public Access Mandate: Compliance ScholarSphere - Share work with the world Web of Science - Track citations Finding information for research or clinical care Literature search - Efficiently locate journal articles, conference proceedings, and other items MyNCBI - Stay abreast of literature in my field using search alerts Point of Care (EBM) Tools - Dynamed, Nursing Reference Center, ClinicalKey/FirstConsult, etc. Systematic Review - How to conduct Technology 3D printing, modeling, and scanning Data visualization eLearning One Button Studio, video recording, and video editing Virtual Reality Other training topics Who will attend the training? One person Small group (5 or less) 5 or more people Systematic Review Consultation Form SR Service To know more about this service, check the Systematic Review page. Service Alert This service is offered with limited capacity on a first come, first serve basis with an option for projects to be added to a waiting list. Step One Description Decide what type of review is most appropriate for your topic. Systematic reviews are used to answer specific clinical questions. Do you have a clinical question that can be put into the PICO format? Patient/population, Intervention, Comparison, OutcomeMany times research teams are looking for an overview of the existing literature and not answering a specific question. When this is the case a scoping review would be more appropriate. These reviews follow the process and standards are rigorous. They just have a different purpose. Read A Typology of Reviews: An Analysis of 14 Review Types and Associated MethodologiesSystematic ReviewScoping ReviewFocused research question with narrow parametersResearch question(s) often broadInclusion/exclusion usually defined at outsetInclusion/exclusion can be developed post hocQuality filters often appliedQuality not an initial priorityDetailed data extractionMay or may not involve data extrationQuantitative synthesis often performedSynthesis more qualitative and typically not quantitativeFormally assess the quality of studies and generates a conclusion relating to the focused research questionUsed to identify parameters and gaps in a body of literature‘Scoping the scope’ of a Cochrane review Journal of Public Health. Volume 33, Issue 1 p. 147-150 Fill in as much information as possible Type of review: Topic: Objective: What is the purpose of the review? Why is it important to do this review? PICO question if a systematic review P: I: C: O: Criteria for considering studies for this review Types of studies: Types of participants: Types of interventions: Types of settings: Types of outcome measures Primary outcomes: Secondary outcomes: Search methods for identification of studies: Check the available databases list. Data Screening: Assessment of risk of bias in included studies: Data extraction and management: Information About Literature Search Eligibility: This form is for the use of Penn State Hershey affiliated users ONLY. All others requesting search assistance should contact Research Help between 9am and 5pm Monday-Friday. Students requesting literature searches will be contacted to schedule a search consultation as part of our educational mission. Do you need the full text of a specific article? Yes - I know the item I want and need to know how to obtain the full text No - I need a literature search in order to find relevant articles about my topic The results of this search will not be comprehensive or exhaustive enough to serve as the basis of a systematic review or meta-analysis. If you need a systematic review search, please contact Bradley Long to schedule a consultation. Additional Information Look for a known article If you know the item that you need, did you use the Get It button in Pubmed, or use our journal list to find the full text? If you still cannot find the item, please submit an interlibrary loan request. If you still have questions, please submit them below. Do you have additional questions? Information About Your Topic - Required Search topic (Include as many terms as needed to describe the topic): When needed? - Select -Same day for urgent patient care (available during weekday office hours only)1-2 business days3-5 business days1-2 weeks Please call Research Help to alert staff during office hours. Intended use of information: Clinical effectiveness and guidelines Consumer health information Grant-related Hospital administration Internal report Metrics/citation analysis Patient care Poster/presentation Publication Systematic review/meta-analysis Teaching, non-patient Other (describe below) (This information will help librarians better understand your information need. Select all that apply.) Other intended use: Information About Your Topic - Optional Desired retrieval: - None -25-50 citationsComprehensiveOther (describe below) Other retrieval Age range: Select as many as desired All ages Prenatal Infant, Newborn to one month Infant - 1 to 23 month Child (Preschool, 2-5 years) Child (6-12 years) Adolescent (13 - 18 years) Adult (19 - 44 years) Middle age (45 - 64 years) Aged (65 - 79 years) Aged (80+ years) (Select all that apply.) Search with this time frame in the literature: - None -Last 2 yearsLast 5 yearsLast 10 yearsOther (describe below) Other time frame: Language - None -No preferenceEnglish onlyOther (describe below) Other language: Human only (exclude animal studies?) Yes No Gender of subjects in studies - None -AllMaleFemaleOther (describe below) Other gender: Comments or additional information that may aid search: Nominate a Harrell READer Description This form is for the use of nominating an individual for consideration for the Harrell READers program. They can be faculty, student, or staff of the Penn State College of Medicine Community. Nominations should be based on the individual having a relationship with the Harrell Library. Individuals who are chosen will be highlighted in the library’s quarterly newsletter (@Harrell.lib) and on a poster in the library with their favorite book. Nominee Nominee Name Nominee Status - Select -FacultyStaffStudentOther Other Status Nominee Department Nominee Contact Email Supportive Statement Display Case Reservation and Agreement The library develops displays and exhibits on a regular basis. The public (groups or individuals) may request to use the library’s display space for educational, artistic, and cultural materials. Check the Exhibits and Display Cases page for more information. Briefly describe the nature and purpose of the display Month & Date you wish to reserve the display cases Read the Exhibits and Display Cases Policy Exhibits and Display Cases policy Agreement I, the Exhibitor, have reviewed, understand, and agree to abide by the Exhibits and Display Cases Policy (see above) which governs the reservation and use of library display cases. I agree to assume responsibility for the display and to insure that it is mounted and removed on time and that its contents and design are consistent with the requirements and guidelines set forth in the above-mentioned policy. Agreement cont I, the Exhibitor, agree that the Harrell Health Sciences Library accepts no responsibility for the theft or damage of any display exhibited at the Library, and certify that all persons submitting work for this display understand and agree to this waiver. I have read and will comply with the Harrell Health Sciences Library's Exhibits and Display Cases Policy. Leave this field blank