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Self Checkout FAQs

Q: What items can be checked out using meeScan?

The books in the main stacks at the Harrell Health Sciences Library University Park regional campus can be checked out with meeScan. 

Q: Where are the barcodes located on library books?

Barcodes are typically located on the top of the inside back cover of the book. The barcode that you want to scan looks like this:

Sample book bar code of library books

Q: On which platform can I use the meeScan app?

MeeScan is currently available on iOS, Android and Blackberry platforms, but NOT on Windows.

Q: Why did I get an error of “not at branch”?

This issue is caused by meeScan not detecting the location of the device to be in the radius of the branch. To fix it, enable the location services on your device.  For Android phones, set the “Location mode” to “High Accuracy”.

You can quickly verify if your device is able to read the location in general by opening the maps app. You should see your location in the maps to be where the library is located. If you do and then start meeScan but still get "not at branch", check if the access to location services has been disabled for meeScan specifically.

Q: What if I don’t have my own device/app?

There is a checkout stand available at the library service desk for everyone to use.

Q: Can I use meeScan at other PSU libraries?

Currently, meeScan is only available within the Harrell Health Science Library University Park regional campus, not at other PSU library locations.