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LAC September 9, 2014

Library Advisory Committee

Sept. 9, 2014
7:30am to 8:30am

Members Present : Amit Agarwal, Nicholas Buchkovich, Ron Domen, Judie Howrylak, Janelle Izer, Scot Kimball, Amy Ricords, Marsha Novik, Joyce Tombran-Tink, Eric Walker, Travis Watson, and Judith Weisz.

Library Faculty: Nancy Adams, David Brennan, Esther Dell, Ben Hoover, Lauren Kime, Amy Knehans, and Robyn Reed

Apologies : Rebecca Bascom, William Cantore, Aman Dhawan, Todd Fox, Jan McAllister, Michael Murray, Haejoe Park, Cynthia Robinson, Khaled Sedeek, Gail Snyder, and Terry Wolpaw.

Nancy Adams, Associate Director of the Harrell Health Sciences Library opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

1. Library Update

  • READ Poster awards and ceremony – October 9, 2014 held in the library from 4pm till 5pm.
  • ORCID Campaign – this campaign will roll out this fall. It is a campaign for faculty to be able to pull all publications into one author identifier. Mainly used for publications, but will allow you to document funding. Will not replace Pub Med ID numbers. ORCID ID is an Identification number for an individual author. Access can be made as private or public as you like.
  • Library Renovations – Working with Architects HBM from Cleveland, OH. They drew up a first Floor high concept plan for the renovation.
  • New faculty Orientation – Scheduled for October 22, 2014 at noon. Targeting new faculty so they get a better understanding of the library services. Not only new faculty is invited, you can have any faculty from your department take part in this orientation. Will be available on Adobe Connect if unable to make it to the location.

2. Harrell HSL Collections

Weeding Print Collection – Weeding project will be print models and print monographs. All materials weeded out will be sent to Ghana for a new Medical School. The process for weeding out materials is: Journals – Already on back files so the information can still be accessed. Monographs - Materials that have copyright date of 2008 and have not been in circulation since then.

3. Systematic Review Service

Amy Summarized Systematic Review Service and It informed everyone of a work shop being held on October 22, 2014 at noon. Marketing Materials will be sent to all departments, we ask that you please RSVP to reference desk.

4. Harrell HSL Website

Lauren went over new changes to the website such as Search Catalog, Direct search in Pub Med, Announcements, and Anatomy TV, Primal Pics. 

5. Questions/Comments from faculty?

  • More ergonomic chairs for everyone using the Library were bought up as a concern for the potential renovation of the Library.
  • A comment of how great it was working with Lion Search and the accessibility of the program.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10am