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LAC September 8, 2015

Library Advisory Committee

Sept. 8, 2015
7:30am to 8:30am

Members Present: Jozef Malysz, Judith Weisz, Michelle Lewis, Guodong Liu, Marsh Novik, Nick Buchkovich, Janelle Izer and Deb Rovito

Library Faculty: Nancy Adams, David Brennan, Esther Dell, Ben Hoover, Amy Knehans, and Robyn Reed Apologies : Khaled Sedeek, Scot Kimball, Cynthia Robinson, Christie Travelute, Travis Watson, Terry Wolpaw, Todd Felix, Abe Taylor, Jan Mcallister, Ron Domen, Judie Howrylak, Rebecca Boscom, Joyce Tombran-Tink, Dawit Aregawi, William Cantore, Aman Dhawan, Todd Fox, Michael Murray, Amit Agarwal, and Eric Walker.

Nancy Adams, Associate Director of the Harrell Health Sciences Library opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

1. Library Update - Renovations

Nancy gave an update on the renovation process. Said that the bid for the renovation will be happening any day and that should be started end of this year. End of construction should be around end of summer beginning of fall next year.

Nancy went over the layout of the new library, discussed small study rooms, one button studio, technology sandbox and Impromptu presentation area. She discussed what will be happening in each area and how useful it will be to students and faculty.

Question was asked if a list of software that will be available in for the technology sandbox located on the website. This way the students and faculty know what software is available and be able to predetermine how long they will need the sandbox for. Educational Tech position was also discuss letting LAC members know that there will be someone on hand to provide training and help with the technology sandbox.

Discussed how the small study rooms that will be in the new library will not be shared on the Book-It program. That we are looking into calendar software to allow the students to have access and schedule.

Phasing of the renovation was discussed. Phase one being the back of the library and the new entrance from the court yard. Phase two being the front of the library. A question was brought up about the use of the elevator during renovations.

2. Harrell HSL Collections

Weeding Print Collection – Wedding the rest of the print collections. All print weeded will be sent to Mount Crest University in Ghana. Penn State University has a partnership with them and they open for their first medical student classes this month. Last year a container of collections was sent and this month another container will be sent to the University.

Collection Access – During the renovation the collection will be temporarily unavailable. We are unaware as to when the collection will be boxed up to store until the end of the renovations. Any questions on this please contact David Brennan.

3. Systematic Review Service

Amy Summarized Systematic Review Service and it’s services for the new Library Committee Members. She also mentioned that she was contacted from the University of Texas to participate in a systematic review for their university.

4. Harrell HSL Website

Nancy discussed with everyone the Renovations link on the Harrell Health Science website. She showed them the blog and explained this is where everyone can go to see progress and ask questions about the renovation. Discussed the blue print that is on the website for the renovation and went over different aspects of the new Library, for example the One Button Studio and Technology Sandbox.

5. Questions/Comments from faculty?

  • More ergonomic chairs for everyone using the Library were bought up as a concern for the potential renovation of the Library. Also possibly a picture of the lumbar on the website as a reminder to study properly and protect your spine when sitting.
  • Suggestion for Kneeling chairs in the new renovations for students and faculty to use.
  • Comment was made about the use of the elevator during the renovations. The elevator will be in use for the entire renovation; however when the 2nd phase begins in the front of the library the elevator will be locked for the library floor. We cannot allow people to get on/off the elevator during construction in the library. You can still utilize it from the ground floor to the third floor.
  • Comment was made that there should be more focus on Bioinformatics in the library. Utilizing the resources and help form Public Health sciences. Dr. Guodong Liu offered his assistance in the library as it is needed.
  • Question was asked why on our website if you select a workplace link why when you hit enter it does not register. The reason is the compatibility with some devices. You must select Go in order for the link to work.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25am

Next Library Committee Meetings
December 8, 2015 – room C1800 -7:30am-8:30am
March 8, 2016 – room C1800 -7:30am – 8:30am
June 7, 2016 – room C1800 -7:30am – 8:30am