Step 1: Did you use the correct login?
There are two separate logins for Harrell Library resources. There is a login that requires your Penn State University ID and password, and a login that requires your Penn State Health ID and password.

If you do not know, or have not set up the required login, contact the IS Service Desk at 833-577-HELP (4357)
To reset your password:
Step 2: Did you set up Multifactor Authentication (MFA)?
If you made it passed the login screen, but you cannot get passed the multifactor authentication, you might not have it set up for the required login.
Penn State Health Duo
To set this up for you Penn State Health (ePass) ID:

Still not able to get past the Duo screen? Call the IS Service Desk at 833-577-HELP (4357)
Step 3: Did you make it past the login screen and the multifactor authentication?
If you made it past the login and multifactor authentication screen but are being denied access to a resource by being asked to do a separate login or pay for access, contact the Harrell Library.